Hidden Gems: Exploring Quirky and Unique Homes in Uncharted US Neighborhoods

The United States is home to people of all cultures, backgrounds, and races. Hence, it makes the country a versatile space in the ways and beliefs through which people lead life, and a lot of it shows in how they decorate their homes. However, while representing your culture, ethnicities, and creative minds within the four walls of your home is one thing, removing those walls and turning your home into a quirky and unique structure is another.

Yes! You heard us right. There are some people with whom living in a four-walled home doesn't sit through, so they went on to create their own quirky and unique homes in uncharted US neighborhoods—intrigued to know a few of such houses? We have a list concluded for you below.

The Unique Homes in Uncharted United States Neighborhood

Here are some of the most unique and quirky-looking homes in uncharted US neighborhoods:

·Sculptured House – Golden, Colorado

A house on the hill might not be as surprising, but a place that looks like a flying saucer can make a few or more heads turn to do a double-take. Located on the top of Genessee Mountain, the Sculptured house was built in 1963 by architect Charles Deaton. Charles enthusiastically designed and saved up to create a masterpiece of a property. However, while he did manage to make the outer appearance live up to his standard, he needed more money to decorate the interior.

The unique shape and appearance of the house made it famous in the neighborhood and throughout the United States. Often called the 'Flying Saucer House' or 'Spaceship House,' this unique property appears on many TV shows. Today, the property, while unlived, is open to the public to make reservations for parties, private events, etc.

·Smith Mansion – Cody, Wyoming


The story behind this house might leave you to wonder whether building it was worth it, but if it was not here today, would people have known a man named Lee Smith and the heights he took his passion to?

Lee Smith was a builder and engineer who decided to build a home for his wife and children using logs and wood. However, upon finishing up the base of his house, he had a sudden jolt of inspiration and decided to keep adding extra floors and balconies. The house construction took so long that Lee's wife ran out of patience and divorced him. On the other hand, Lee Smith did not stop; the divorce only fueled him to do much better and add scenic terraces and more staircases.

Though you could say that his craze was his call towards death because one fine day, upon working on one of the upper balconies of his house, Lee fell to his death. The house since then has remained empty, and tales of madmen and ghosts surround it. However, Lee's daughter is working on a preservation campaign to keep his father's visions upright.

·Brick Tepee – Cascade, Idaho


How many times has it happened that you crave peace and want to run away to a place with the most stunning scenic views that provide a breath of fresh air? Many, right? The person who built the Brick Tepee must have felt the same.

Located in Cascade, Idaho, the Brick Tepee is a simple 826-square-foot cabin built in 1968. The place is simple and worth spending a few days in the mountains. It has two bedrooms, one-half bath, and a kitchen with a burning stove, all of which equates to you spending a few peaceful days out in the wild. Moreover, there is a full bathhouse and wooden deck outside the cabin.

While it remained unoccupied for a while, the house was recently put on the market for $119000 and sold at a price and person undisclosed.

·The Steel Home – Ransom Canyon, Texas

Creative minds in the architectural world make beautiful houses for others; when a few build their own homes, they create something that stands apart. The Steel House is one such example of this. Built by architect and sculptor Robert Bruno, the steel house is located just outside Lubbock, Texas.

Robert built this house as a part-time home and part-time work studio in 1974 and, over the 34 years of its construction, kept on redesigning it. The house is aesthetic and a masterpiece to look at. However, while Robert focused on every detail of the house, he only got to live in it a little. Robert Bruno lived in his aesthetic creation for about eight months before he passed away in 2008. Bruno might be out now, but the product he built would stand for long.

·House on the Rock – Spring Green, Wisconsin

Alex Jordan discovered a 60-foot chimney of a rock on the sandstone formation, Deer Shelter Rock, in the scenic Wyoming valley. The primary reason behind the creation of this house was for it to work as a weekend retreat for Alex. However, in the 1940s, there were hardly any such quirky and unique homes, so the house piqued a lot of interest.

Hence, people from the nearby areas started coming in to see the architectural wonder whose talks were flowing around. The house began as a 14-room space, but due to its popularity and significant public interest, it expanded into many complex buildings, gardens, and exhibits. It is enormous, and can take hours to thoroughly walk through the property.

While Alex might be the one to have built it, he sold the property in 1988 to a longtime associate, Art Donaldson. He is a collector and businessman who promised to continue Alex's legacy and, till today, is expanding the property and entertaining guests from around the world who come to see it.


The United States is a vast country; at every nook and corner, you can find a sight worth exploring. There are many quirky and unique homes within the country, and we tried to add some of our favorite ones to the list. Let us know which one you like the most and if you have more to add.

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